
Calligraphy Conference in Minnesota  (June.22nd to June.29th.2002)

I'm trying to attend the international calligraphy conference almost every year for my calligraphy improvement. Actually I knew about the conference 4 years ago and I became an addict. Usually about 500 calligraphers included professionals and amateurs get together and learn and have fun about calligraphy. It is a big festival! It is also a good place to make friends with other calligraphers from all over the world.

The calligraphy connection in 2002

Celebration in 2003

Diane & Me
Sherri & Me
With Diane Von Arx Anderson
Click the picture!
With Sherri Kiesel
Click the picture!
I learned "flourishing" from her. We closed our eyes and practiced to move pens smoothly again and again. Actually her flourishing is so graceful and lively and I was just amazed at her skills, but I was just frustrated about my poor writing. Yes, I have to practice to master it again and again!! Sure! Why not!
I learned "Subtle lines, Subtle words, Subtle texture" from her. We wrote letters with many kind of pencils using pressure and release. It is the first time to use pencils for calligraphy for me. We also used watercolor and Sumi ink and pastels for our work. We learned so many ideas from her. It was quite fun! I really love her taste!

Touch the following pictures!

student's exhibit student's exhibit demonstration envelope exhibit


My most favorite calligrapher

Martin Jackson's work
his picture is coming soon!
Martin Jackson's work
Click the picture!
Martin Jackson
Click the picture!

Martin Jackson is my most favorite professional calligrapher. He lives in Vancouver in Canada. When I lived in Vancouver as a student 4 years ago, I met him and we have kept in touch each other. I love his work and his personality and his wife Patsy. They are such warm and humorous people. His work is very lively, graceful and flourishing. He loves calligraphy and we can see how much he loves it when we see his work. He also loves butterfly and he often puts his beautiful paintings of butterfly in his work. I visit him and buy his work whenever I come to Vancouver. It is very lucky to have his originals. This time, I'm thinking to frame this work I bought by myself. Anyway, ask me about him if you are interested in him!!

My artist friend

Michael Michael & Judy
Michael Jacob
Touch the picture!
Michael & Judy
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While I was in Vancouver, I visited to Seattle for a couple of days to see Michael Jacob who is a famous and funky book artist in USA. I met him at the international conference in Canada 3 years ago and we have kept in touch with emails. He is such a great and funny artist and he loves his wife, Judy so deeply. When I talk to him, he always talks about her so I really wanted to see her for a long time. Why I visited him this time is I wanted to see his studio which is pretty new and Judy and have fun with them! Actually, I had so much fun with them we did a lot of things together and I really understand why he loves Judy so much. She is such a graceful and funny and smart lady I have never seen. She is my ideal lady!!


calligrapher's website in Japan

Naoko Hirasaki
Satsuki Hatsushima
Minako Sando
Alpha Club

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